Renewing your very best self…

REDUX WELLNESS COACHING aims to improve your overall holistic health through a discussion of general wellbeing and life balance:  

• personal & professional goal achievement
• greater mental flexibility
• greater organization & life balance
• improved diet and exercise
• better sleep
• reducing job stress

• building confidence & positive self-image
• mindfulness practices
• coping with grief & major life transitions
• recovery
• parental care
• and much more

The discussions are around where you are, what you want to change, and how to get there.

You will get one-on-one guidance and support through coaching to help you set goals, stick to them, and, most importantly, see results. 

John Feeney Redux Wellness Coaching for Health and Wellness


From the Latin: brought back: revived, restored.

Redux Wellness Coaching is designed to help individuals and teams make their goals a reality.

With our comprehensive guided counseling and activating your self-empowerment, you’ll unearth renewed confidence and practices to help you truly thrive in all aspects of your life.

Fully accredited and with a broad scope of background and knowledge, the personal Redux Wellness Coaching relationship will bring out your already-existing very best self.

Begin. Overcome. Thrive.

Identify your
starting point…

What are your challenges when you can’t find a starting point? It’s not as hard as you think.

Bring your
ideas to life…

Remember those amazing ideas locked up inside your mind? Make them real.

Create a
unique vision…

Tailor a unique perspective using the innate intuition and confidence you already have.

your horizons.

Break through walls to step into your vision, tapping into what you already see within.